Saturday 2 November 2013

"What's wrong with my hair and skin?" continuation.

Hi everybody! waz de scn? So this is a brief continuation of our first blog "what's wrong with my hair and skin?" .

What? you haven't read it as yet?, what's wrong with you? Take a quick read.

We pass by this billboard every Friday, some of us more frequently than others. As we stated in our previous blog. "Even when companies make an attempt, they always use a light negro girl/boy with natural hair or a dark skin girl with curly/straight hair. If they happen to throw in a black person with natural hair they are never the focus."


Here we see it again,  Hart's billboard. All the other races were properly represented, nothing added or taken away. Yet when it came to the representation of  black women their identity was tampered with. You may say well, "Half ah them dark gal and them doh use they natural hair anyway" and that's a fact, but what exactly influenced that behavior in the first place?

Not to mention they're in the minority once again.

Research conducted by Eletra S. Gilchrist, Ph.D Assistant Professor at the University of Alabama in Huntsville.  "Media Effects and Black Hair Politics"  Stated:

 "Findings revealed that the images African-American women consume from Black hair magazine advertisements do impact what they consider to be beautiful and, subsequently, influence their day-to-day styling and hair care mechanisms, lending further support to the idea that the media serve as powerful sources of knowledge."

I encourage anyone and everyone "when yuh ha time" to read this article. Very informative.,-eletra---media-effects-and-black-hair-politics.pdf

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Thanks for reading guys.

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