Sunday 17 November 2013

Highlighting the Ad campaigns that did it right!

Hi everyone, this post is going to be lighter than our usual posts. I know we've been talking a lot about the negatives in advertisements and media a lot, but this time we'll highlight some good advertisements. These  ads, portray women, blacks and the elderly in a respectful and beautiful way.

I don't know about you'll, but after I saw these ads, I thought about I'm going to Pennywise and pick up a couple of Dove products. These images are so very unique and uplifting. It represents a particular type of woman that have been forgotten in the media. Elderly and full figured woman. 

It is evident that this Dove campaign is trying to slowly alter the definition of beauty, that have been given to us, as skinny, young and light skin. 

Well you might say "well duh!" they needed to use this elderly lady for this campaign, its a  pro-age commercial, well I've seen companies who did not.

For example Estee Lauder:

Dark skin and natural hair, decently dress, Black O'man
Another  portrayal of a Black woman in advertisement done right.

Here's the video

None of them indecently dressed, there butts or boobs exposed. None of the were acting loud and obnoxious.It shows that black woman can be classy and  sophisticated.It was very uplifting watching this video, as simple as it was. I was happy to be identified with the race portrayed. Which is seldom, on many occasions, after watching television and advertisement. 

Here's the Nike's online campaign

This campaign took attributes that we as women are used to hearing need to be changed- big butts, big thighs, "manly shoulders"- and instead , it celebrates them.

It also shows women in a different light, from being the weaker and inferior gender, whose role is in the kitchen or taking care of kids, usually portrayed in advertisement, and shows that we can be strong and fit as well, a profile usually reserved for men in advertisements. 

 Although the reality is that the things these advertising campaigns want us to experience like physical power, self-esteem, accomplishment, self-love, a sense of self-worth cannot be purchased,  if more advertisements were to convey these types of messages, then more  individuals, especially women and people of African descent self perception would be positively impacted.