Tuesday, 10 December 2013

"Slap ah sexy girl on that dey!"

Hey guys, I'm going to be very short. So today I was scanning through the Express Newspaper and came across this COLDair Air-conditioning Units ad. 

*deep long sigh*. I know we've been talking a lot about the way advertising companies portray women, so why am I shocked at this ad? I guess it's because its local and I naively didn't expect it. I mean it's AIR CONDITIONING!

This ad clearly shows laziness and a lack of creativity, I feel as though their mentality was  "eh alright team, hear this na, I think we should just slap ah sexy gal on da dey, yeh make sure she bam bam cock out!, ite nice this ad ready to go!" 

So COLDair  we're NOT impressed, unacceptable.

For those of you who haven't read our previous blog on this topic: ARE WE ONLY OUR BODIES?

What are your thoughts on this Ad, done by the COLDair , tell us what do you think. 

Sunday, 8 December 2013

Offensive Ads that Companies regret..How stupid can Ad companies be?

Some ads can be so offensive and I have to wonder if the Ad companies actually realize that the ads will be offensive but they just don't care. The sad thing is that the ads tend to hit the company where it hurts and then they apologize after.

Looking at these ads I wonder how they feel after it backfired in their faces.

This billboard is for play station and a white woman is holding a black woman face and the words read "white is coming". Now mind you, the woman is so dark , very dark and almost cannot be recognized...not so smart of an ad.

Black people alone are not offended by ads, here we have Ashton Kutcher playing an Indian character 'Raj' in a Pop Chips commercial/ parody and it backfired on them. I am guessing the Ad company thought the Ad would be funny but it was very offensive for Indians.

Can anyone remember the burger king ad with Mary J Blige, the black community kicked up a fuss saying that burger king was stereotyping black people and fried chicken. hmmmm. The Ad cost 2 million to make and had to be pulled after causing outrage.

This next ad from Intel was just downright disgusting, the picture had a white man standing between some black men in a 'set' position, as if running a race and a headline that read "maximise the power of your employees".. Intel tried pulling the ad before it was published but it was release somehow. How stupid can you be.

Even though some Ads are outright racist and offensive, Ad companies still continue to publish them and then have to put their tails between their legs and beg the public for forgiveness.